weekly satire


Sarcasm that will show how our modern society works, and how funny the difference is between the generations. 


We hope you enjoy them. Laugh and share with your family and friends. 



Our jokes will show you different scenarios that are just hilarious. These real life situations are a representation of what our modern society is like. 

Feel free to share with us similar situations that you find funny and we will make sure to adapt it with our characters.

Click on the button below a character’s avatar to hear their slogan

He is best friends with Lark. They love drinking beer and getting high with everything they can get. Their thing is playing video games.  Brynlee is married to Jaylah


Does not work, and pretends to go to school. Her thing is to squeeze everyone and have fun.

 She works very hard and tries to keep up with the Jones’. Her thing is fashion, make-up, and purses. She is married to Brynlee


Recently finished high school. He has two jobs, and is enrolled in night classes in college. His thing is to please his girlfriend, Isla, in hopes that he will marry her one day.

He is a guy who can’t keep a job. He lives with his mom, Londyn, who pays all the bills, although she has pushed him to get a job.

She is a hard-working lady, who raised Lark on her own. Very smart, and people love her at her workplace and in the neighborhood. 

comic strip



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All Rights Reserved © 2022


The author and creator of amathis.net is Gian C. Villatoro. check his website mygiancarlo.com

Rev. Gian Carlo Villatoro



Email: info@vchurch.us

T 432.614.9798

2400 W 81st Street Odessa TX 79764
